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Why You Should Not Be Embarrassed About Your Depression

Why You Should Not Be Embarrassed About Your Depression

Why You Should Not Be Embarrassed About Your Depression

The notion that there must be a specific thing about you or have to have no positive thing in life for you to have depression is far from the truth. Depression can affect anyone regardless of race or socioeconomic status. In fact, millions of people all over the world have depression. Here we look at why you should not be embarrassed about your depression.

Although environmental factors such as discrimination, poverty, abuse, and violence can cause depression, there is no evidence on who is supposed to have depression or who is not supposed to.

Guilt is a common feeling for people with depression since they see themselves as a burden to others. On the other hand, most people are embarrassed to open up about their depression due to the stigma associated with mental illness. However, you should not be embarrassed. It’s not your call to have or not have depression. Besides, as earlier said, depression affects millions of people all over the world.

Don’t Be Embarrassed About Your Depression

If you are there embarrassed about your depression, here is why you should not:

Other People Understands

Depression is the most common mental illness in the United States. About 7.1% of adults in the United States experience depression at least once a year.  This is about 17.3 million adults in the U.S., according to the NSDUH.

Regarding the higher number of people with depression, it’s evident that some other people are going through what you are going through. Though the experience might be different, some understand what you are going through. It might even be the person who you least expect.

Additionally, lots of people have experienced depression at one point in their lives. 20% of the entire population might have at least a single episode of depression during their lifetime.

Understand More About Depression

Most people with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, among others, are stigmatized in society. However, you can reduce your feelings of embarrassment by learning more about depression. Understand that depression is not a choice, and you cannot just snap out of it. Depression requires medical attention, just like other health issues. Learn more on how you can reduce the stigma surrounding depression and its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Don’t Be Embarrassed About Your Depression – Open Up To Someone

Sometimes depression can cause self-isolation. You may not want to talk to someone, especially about how you feel. It can be tempting to try and keep this condition as private as possible since opening up might cost your relationships. However, keeping it to yourself can only mean that you are not ready for help. Find someone that you trust and share the information with them. Opening up can be the first step to finding help. You will also feel much better after knowing that there are people who are ready to help you in every way possible.

If you are not sure if your loved one can provide the needed support, you can reach out to a depression helpline for support.

Be Compassionate to Yourself

It’s normal for human beings to be more compassionate towards friends, family, and strangers than we are towards ourselves. Amid your depression, remember to be kind to yourself. Respond to your depression with compassion as you would have responded towards someone else. Although depression makes you feel bad about yourself, remember you are trying to get better.

Do not set higher bars, but celebrate your achievements for the day, regardless of how small they might be. For example, if yesterday you struggled to get out of bed, and today you did it without struggling, that’s something to be proud of.

Remember You Do Not Need a Reason to Be Depressed

You must have a reason to be depressed. This is a notion that is far from the truth. Some people have achieved a lot in life, but still, they have depression. Though life challenges such as poverty have been associated with depression, not all poor people experience depression. Those who have it all in life might think that they cannot experience depression, but the truth is, they experience it worse. Instead of asking yourself why, learn more about how you can get better and ways to minimize the chances of getting depression.

Remember That You Can Get Help

Feeling embarrassed and guilty will not help; it can only worsen the situation. Depression can lead you into thinking that:

  • People will not understand you
  • Other people will judge you
  • No one is supposed to know about your condition
  • Your symptoms do not require medical intervention
  • You don’t deserve help

You are entitled to help. You may have tried some ways to ease your symptoms to no avail. Seek medical help for you to get a proper medical check-up so that you can get proper medication.

Remember, 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. have a mental illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This means that you are not alone in this. If your doctor recommends therapy, do so without any feeling of embarrassment. Mental health is no less than physical health. Seek treatment as you could have for any other part of your body.

Don’t Be Embarrassed About Your Depression

Remember that when you are depressed, feeling shame, embarrassed, and guilt is normal. Although it might be difficult to accept these feelings, remind yourself that it’s normal to feel that way. Acknowledge the feelings as you take steps to ensure that they do not negatively impact your general health.

Accepting your current situation is a great step in ensuring that you feel a lot better and seek help. Do not listen to those who make you feel bad about your situation; concentrate on those who are there for you, keeping in mind that, although depression is the most chronic mental condition, it is treatable.

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