Welcome to our Michigan Ann Arbor therapist and psychologists directory. Here we list qualified and reputable mental health professionals that guarantee the best mental care. The best part is that the therapists and psychologists we list in our resource directory are LGBTQ+ friendly and treat everyone equally regardless of their sexual orientation or social background.
Whether you are looking for mental health support, relationship counseling, gender-confirmation therapists, kid therapists, or a family therapist, our Ann Arbor resources will help.
We aim to connect you with the best therapists, psychologists, and physiotherapy services in Michigan Ann Arbor.
The therapists we list on our website will help solve many mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and trauma. At LGBTQandAll, we understand that kids and youths are prone to mental health issues. In that regard, we list kid therapists that use play therapy and family systems approach to help manage their emotions, improve self-esteem, and build resilience.
The psychologists in our resource provide psychological assessment and individual therapy. They provide solutions to mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorders and provide practical solutions to clients.
Whether you want neuropsychological evaluations due to brain injuries and cognitive impairments in Ann Arbor, our therapist, psychologist, and physiotherapy resource is the real deal.
For children with developmental disorders like autism spectrum disorder that require behavioral interventions, the psychologists we list on our website can provide the necessary support.
For more information regarding mental health professionals on our website, click the individual profile. Here you will get information about their qualifications, expertise, availability, contact details, and other vital details.