Depression is one of the major problems affecting human beings. But most people confuse unhappiness with depression, and the affected usually try to hide the signs of depression from others.
Some may also not know that they are depressed and struggle to move with their lives without seeking help. Major symptoms of depression are hopelessness and sadness.
Though it’s normal to go through sadness after a particular experience, it becomes a real problem when you cannot bounce back.
The signs of depression are different among people, and their intensity and duration can vary. While some may eat too little food, others overeat, and some lose their appetite altogether.
As a result, they gain or lose weight rapidly, which can lower their self-esteem.
Major Signs of Depression
Here we look at the signs of depression you should be on the lookout for.
The major sign of depression is a mood disorder, which affects your outlook on life. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless, then you are likely depressed. Additionally, you may feel guilty, worthless and these thoughts keep recurring, or you continuously blame yourself for some circumstances.
Change in Sleeping Habits is a Sign of Depression
The quantity and quality of sleep are strongly related to your moods. If you don’t sleep for sufficient time, you will be depressed, and research also supports that sleep deprivation contributes to depression. After all, the changes in your brain impact your mood.
Loss of Interest in Activities
If you start to ignore your hygiene, social activities, or hobbies, you are likely depressed. Additionally, you won’t enjoy sex anymore, and sex and other pastimes won’t be fun.
If you start to withdraw from your once favorite hobbies such as sports, then you’re likely depressed. Some lose their sex drive or even become impotent.
Fatigue is one of the reasons you may not be interested in daily activities. Depression leads to a lack of energy and fatigue, making it hard to focus on your activities.
Anger or Irritability are Common Signs of Depression
If you usually feel agitated, violent or restless, or have less tolerance, you might be suffering from a serious condition. If people can quickly get on your nerves, then it’s a sign that you’re depressed.
Also, you can experience uncontrollable emotions, and in a minute, you could be happy, then the next you are crying. Nothing has provoked you to change your emotions in such an instant, but they go up and down without notice. This condition is called mood swings and is more common in women than men.
Related: How to Regulate Your Emotions and Improve Your Mood
Alcohol and Drug Use
Most people who have mood disorders usually turn to drugs to cope with their feelings of loneliness, sadness, and hopelessness.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 20% of people with anxiety in America use alcohol and other drugs. Therefore, the majority of those with alcohol disorders are likely to be depressed.
Besides drug and alcohol abuse, the victim may also engage in other reckless behaviors like dangerous sports, substance abuse, and compulsive gambling. These are all indicators that they don’t value life since they are hopeless.
Forced Happiness is a Sign of Depression
Most people who are depressed have a disorder called “smiling depression.” This is where they put on a happy face when, in reality, they are sad. However, the happy face soon disappears, and what is left is full of loneliness and sadness.
Concentration Problems
If you cannot focus on even the mundane tasks or activities, you are fatigued or have lost interest in them; you have a concentration problem. Additionally, you may have challenges in keeping track of things or even making crucial decisions.
People with concentration problems usually trail off when making conversations or forget important things. According to a 2014 study, challenges in concentrating and focusing can make your personal relationships and work-life even more daunting.
Unexplained Aches and Pains Can Be Signs of Depression
Depression can also cause other physical conditions such as headaches, digestive problems, and chronic pain. And if you are suffering from severe depression, you are at risk of serious conditions such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and autoimmune conditions.
Though depression and anxiety don’t usually go hand in hand, if you exhibit symptoms such as nervousness and sweating; then, it’s anxiety. Additionally, you may have a higher heart rate or experiencing feelings of panic, dread, or danger. Others can have challenges focusing on other activities besides the ones that worry them.
Related: Managing Anxiety During COVID-19
Looking at Death
Depression is also linked to suicide, and the victims usually go through lengthier depression before they decide to take their lives.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 42,000 people committed suicide in the US in 2013 alone. These people exhibited signs of depression first, but they usually discuss it with their close cycles before deciding to kill themselves.
If you suspect that someone wants to take their life, contact 911 and stay with them until you find help. Also, remove any weapons or medications that could take their lives and listen to their situations. Avoid judging, threatening, or yelling at them since they need help.
What to Do When Notice These Signs of Depression
If you are suffering from depression or know someone who does, it’s best to get help. If you experience the above symptoms for over a week, then it could be depression.
Note that depression affects millions of people worldwide, and you’re not alone. There are various treatments for the disorder, and they vary from medications to lifestyle changes.
Alternatively, you can take other steps to treat or reduce depression, such as meditation, yoga, and exercise. It’s also essential to improve your self-esteem and socialize with others.
If there were activities or hobbies you were previously interested in, try going back to them. Don’t also forget to talk to your friends and family as they are your first pillar. Finally, eat a balanced diet each day and join support groups to help you deal with the condition.
Signs of Depression – Bottom Line
Depression is one of the most serious conditions affecting millions of people across the world. It leads to trouble sleeping or concentrating, hopelessness, fatigue, and increased irritability, making it hard to maintain personal or professional relationships.
If you suspect that you’re suffering from depression, seek help immediately.